Montag, 8. August 2022

Diorama für den Wäscheschrank Teil 4

 Das Einrichten beginnt. Wie immer bin ich mir nicht sicher ob es o bleiben soll. 

8 Kommentare:

  1. It’s very pretty Michaela. Your linens and china look perfectly arranged and the pot of flowers and old bottles on the window sill are a sweet touch.

  2. It's such a pretty room, a clever room box and you've made beautiful furniture to store your lovely minis in! I love the china! Thanks for sharing your inspiration!

  3. Beautiful room, the linen nicely starched in the cupboards also very nice tableware

  4. Bezaubernd ist genau der richtige Ausdruck;)

  5. Hallo Michaela
    Wie immer gnaz tolle Arbeit von Dir. Das kleine Diorama sieht so schön aus. Einfach nur reizend.


  6. Hi Michaela, would you please please consider offering your some of past creations to purchase again?
